$10.00 |
Why use ICONS for information? They are easy to use.
ICONS are images that remind you of the lessons. Enhance athletic performance with concepts of harmony.
Get input and feedback.
Our emblematic lessons are branded to make them easy to remember. Video helps relate it to you.
There are two steps:
1. Sign up here through the registration and CHECK OUT.
2. SEND US A LINK TO YOUR VIDEO. A few turns may be enough to comment on, along with your thoughts to:
So: Take a video. Then send us the LINK to the video of your skiing and riding. Youtube, Vimeo, Dropbox, or your hard drive are examples of locations.
WE WILL RETURN A LINK to your analysis with comments and applicable lessons, from the WHAT ANIMAL ARE YOU?® and RIDE THE SNOW IN HARMONY® playbook by our expert coaches,
The replies tend to be short. A little information correctly applied can go a long way when the information is layered on universal principles, and things start to fall into place. Then we can address something new in the next lesson or revisit what you've done.
Remember: Register and CHECK OUT in the Shopping cart HERE.
SEND A LINK to the video of your skiing and riding that you would like us to review to
We will return a link to the lesson and relevant comments.
Future videos are 1/2 off, and you will receive updates and new issues of branded lessons.
Previously 19.95, you can now get access to the ICON Starter set, and half off future video analysis for $10.00 |